EURAU24 – Milano


The role of corporeity in the era of virtualization


The format of the conference results from a shared reflection, which started with a research seminar on the current state of scientific events held in March 2023 in Politecnico di Milano. As a network based on a deep-sharing approach to research and design, we have identified a flexible structure organized through diverse online and in-presence moments. The integration of modes allows for promoting a long-term format displayed from the summer of 2023 to the summer of 2024 called The Road to EURAU, engaging participants in bringing
their contribution to the table and shaping the conference themes and contents.

We proposed five preparatory thematic meetings organised by EURAU network partners to discuss this topic in advance. Each meeting introduced a different thematic approach to the conference topic. The outcomes of the meetings contributed to refining the thematic sessions of EURAU Milan 24 and informed the preparation of the open call. The aim was to activate an ongoing and wide-ranging discussion, fed by other forms of communication (a forum, an Instagram profile, a website), leading up to June 2024 as the final moment in which IN-PRESENCE
will meet to draw conclusions.

The five meetings (with the previous themes’ names and order) were held by our international partners on:

1/ SPACE (01 September 2023)
2/ ENVIRONMENT (18 September 2023)
3/ INTER-ACTION (21 June 2023)
4/ VULNERABILITY (22 September 2023)
5/ VIRTUALITY (04 July 2023)